This Clan is A Canadian clan for the Playstation three version of the game. All Canadians are free to join the forum and try out.
In order to join you have to be over lvl 30 (prestige lvl can be lower than 30)
How Tryouts Will Work:
Post Your Playstation Network Account On The Tryout Forum, And We Will Add You and notify you on when the tryout will take place. During The Match there will be three people. 1:An Admin of the Clan. 2: You. 3:A ref who will observe your gameplay. Based on How well you play, we will see if you have what it takes to be a soldier of the Canadian Armed Forces.
Small rules:
1)Even though canada is a multi-cultural country, we only accept english speakers in the clan. Not To be racist or anything, but we have no way to moderate any other language besides english.
2)No Microphone Spam. We Know You Love To Talk, But Save The Unnessesary shit like singing,whistling,crackeling...ect
3)You must be a Frequent Player. if you do not play in clan matches for more than two weeks, you will be ejected from the clan and will only get one chance after ejection to prove worthy.
(rule 3 can be waived for special circumstances)